The Williamsons* had been doing everything right: both parents had steady jobs, they'd lived in the same home for seven years and always paid their rent on time, and their son was thriving in school.
But when both parents lost their jobs, they were unable to afford rent, and the family lost their home. They began living out of hotels and used the family car as a backup home when they couldn’t find a vacancy. Then, their car broke down beyond repair. Their savings depleted, Henry and Elaine explored shelter options but found most shelters full or unable to accommodate families with adult males. Henry and Elaine couldn’t imagine splitting up their family just to have a bed at night.
They felt like they were on an unimaginable losing streak, but Fort Bend Family Promise in Missouri City, TX, helped them hit it out of the ballpark. The family entered the shelter program and kept their son in his school. Family Promise worked with Henry and Elaine to find new jobs, budget their finances, and rebuild their lives. Before long, the Williamsons moved into permanent housing and even acquired a new car, thanks to Family Promise’s partnership with Recycled Rides.
Henry and Elaine feel Family Promise gave them a new lease on life, saying, “We got back more than what was taken from us to make our lives feel normal again.”
How’s that for a home run story?! *Names changed to protect the family's privacy