Sarah Dixon started out as a board member of Family Promise of Greater New Braunfels in 2013 soon after they had their first guests. She now serves as the Executive Director.
Sarah says it is hard for her to pick just one thing that she loves about FPGNB. Here are a few of the things she loves.
She loves being able to see people changing their lives.
“Our families work so hard to turn things around and when they reach their goals and see how far they have come, it’s a blessing to witness.”
Sarah loves the simple act of sharing a meal with a stranger and how that can start a relationship that strengthens both people. She also loves that the most vulnerable people, the children that go through the program, can look back at that time in their lives and remember happiness, friendships, being a part of a big family for a while. And, Sarah Dixon loves seeing the entire community come together for the most fundamental purpose: to support each other in a time of crisis. That is what makes this a community where she wants to live.
As FPGNB continues to grow, she would like to see a team of Family Promise Ambassadors who go out into the community and share the story of what Family Promise does.
“If more people take the time to think about the needs of others and the small ways we can all help, we can make a big impact for generations to come.”
Sarah says she is really proud of how everyone involved in FPGNB has stuck together during the pandemic. It hasn’t been easy, but FPGNB is still serving families, keeping them from being homeless, and giving them the tools to make things better for tomorrow, whatever that looks like.