Michelle Luhrs was one of the first members to bring Family Promise to fruition in New Braunfels. Once FPGNB was official, she served as the coordinator for Unity Church before transitioning to the Board. She currently serves as Board President in her second term.
Michelle first became involved while looking for a way to give back not only money but time to her community. Rev Tutor at Unity pointed her toward the Family Promise program and invited her to the early meetings.
When not supporting FPGNB, Michelle is a mother of three, working full-time for Workplace Resource, a commercial furniture provider in San Antonio. Her hobby is remodeling old homes.
“[Family Promise] is fulfilling to be able to provide a secure place for families,” she says. “It is so much more than giving them shelter and food. Family promise teaches people how to manage money, find a stable job, secure childcare, and transportation, so they are set up for success. FPGNB has had a wonderful impact on my life.”
Michelle shared her most memorable moment with us: “One Sunday when we were late converting a Sunday School room to a bedroom for a Mom and her two daughters. My children were there, and I was stressed about running late and being a little short with them. The Mom and her daughters arrived and came into the room while we were still in there. The Mom started crying and hugged me, thanking us so much for creating a beautiful space for her and her daughters. She couldn’t stop telling me how grateful she was to have a safe, beautiful room to sleep in. I’ll never forget the look on my children’s faces watching this happen and the way it changed our perspective forever. It helps us to feel so much gratitude for the things we take for granted, and it shows how a simple act can have a bigger impact than we could ever imagine.”
She looks forward to building on the relationship FPGNB has with the churches and finalizing plans for a transitional home.
Thank you, Michelle Luhrs, for your work and dedication to FPGNB!